Sunday, December 02, 2007

This blog is officially dead.


Friday, August 31, 2007

After a sustained period of absence

I know, I know, it's been awhile since the last post.

Since then I've been to Dandenongs another few gazillion times, developed an interest in wine-tasting, ate alot of stuff, fallen ill, said goodbye to some people who were going home, stayed sober, bought alot of DVDs, watched a few movies, trying to get a flight home(but still not successful),....

that's my life condensed. and I feel like I want to travel the world. NOW. (and be home for christmas).

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Requiem for an iPod

It's finally happened. After years of ill-treatment and being tossed around, I think R I S K is finally giving up. Not much else to be said but there were sweet, good memories of it, and with it; and I think it's about time really. I don't intend to get it repaired and I think it might just be for the better.

Goodbye old friend. You'll be missed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Will be out at the Grampians from the 21st (thurs). Won't be back till Sunday.

Till then.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Just thought I ought to put a post up in case people thought I've died/lost interest in this blog/ suffered extreme trauma/ the list goes on.

Been overwhelmed with work for the past month. School work, mainly. If you have been in contact and have been graciously listening to my endless rantings and mad antics, I thank you for your patience. It has all come to an end now with the submission of the final 2 assignments of the semester, and I look forward to a bit of a break before the thesis groundwork gets underway.

To see the website that I've been working on, of course, with ZS's help, click here.

It's getting cold now, and we just had a helluva time taking picture in the 5 degrees(or less) Carlton Gardens because Melbourne is having a foggy night (the visibility range is about 100m??).

Just installed Twitter, so updates should be coming in in shorter bits, but more frequently (as long as I remember to SMS).

Alright, heading out to the grampians soon and hopefully I'll have nice pictures to post thereafter!

Have fun and take care whereever you are,


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


OMG i love this girl.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Okay, a technical bump.

I have (almost) reached the 200 pictures limit on flickr. While I can still upload pictures, I will need a new site (or flickr) account soon because if I exceed that 200 limit, the older pictures will be gone. So if any of you know of any other image hosting site that allows many many pictures at NO cost, I'll be uber happy if you could just tell me.

Otherwise, back to deciding between deleting some of the ugly pictures or signing up for a new account.
